Contact Us

+233 (0)249674603
+233 (0)244916208

No 3 Bossman Street. North Kaneshie,Off Orgle Road near La Paloma Restaurant.

Frequently Asked Question!

No deliveries are not free, you would need to pay the motor rider.

We accept online payments on our website, bank tranfer and Mobile money.

No, you can also call our contact number and make the order directly and it will be delivered to you.

We are located on the Awudome roundabout stretch heading towards north kaneshie orgle road. opposite the washing bay.

Goods or Products bought in good condition cannto be returned except it has expired.

All orders that come before 11am are delivered within the day. those that come after are delivered the following day morning.

Get In Touch

Visit Us

No 3 Bossman Street. North Kaneshie, Off Orgle Road near La Paloma Restaurant. (Awudome Roundabout near Mother's Inn)

Call Us

+233 (0)249674603 +233 (0)244916208

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